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7th Conference of the

International Association

for Presocratic Studies

7th Conference of the International Association for Presocratic Studies

New date: July 2021

2nd circular


Dear colleagues,

due to the distruption currently affecting equally all regions of the planet, we are sorry to let you know that the Council of the International Association for Presocratic Studies (IAPS) has made the difficult decision to postpone our 7th Conference, initially scheduled to be held next July 13 -17.  We decided to set a new data for the venue: it will be July 12-16, 2021. The place will be the same, namely the Campus of the Universidade Federal of Minas Gerais, in Belo Horizonte (Minas Gerais, Brazil).

We understand that at this moment we all must strive, each one in his/her home and all together, to do our part to overcome this pandemic as soon as possible and to gather our strength, intelligence and energy, to conceive and create for the time to come.

All papers accepted to be presented at the 7th IAPS Conference will remain accepted. If someone considers that he / she will no longer be able to participate in the event due to the postponement, we kindly ask you to let us know about your decision by September 30.

We hope that everyone is doing well and taking a good care of themselves.  

We also hope we will be all together again in Belo Horizonte next year.


Miriam Peixoto

International Association for Presocratic Studies


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