Fifth Biennial Conference
University of Texas at Austin (USA)
13-17 June 2016

Fifth Conference: University of Austin et Texas
Chair: Professor A. P. D. Mourelatos.
Convened by the Joint Classics–Philosophy Graduate Program in Ancient Philosophy.
Sessions at the Liberal Arts Building:
Julius Glickman Conference Center
Keynote Speaker:
André Laks
University of Paris-Sorbonne, and Universidad Panamericana, Mexico, D.F.
“Hesiod and (the Beginnings of Greek) Philosophy”
Other Speakers:
Omar Alvarez, Merrick E. Anderson, Anna Aravantinou, Sosseh Assaturian, Michael Augustin, Keith Begley, Adam Beresford, Alberto Bernabé Pajares, Bernardo Berruecos, Mathilde Bremond, Jenny Bryan, Guillermo Callejas, Rogerio G. De Campos, Nicola Carraro, Aditi Chaturvedi, Cecilia Colombani, Néstor Cordero, Tom Davies, Jeremy Delong, Nicola Galgano, Xavier Gheerbrant, Stefania Giombini, Gustavo Gomes, Andrew Gregory, Joshua Gulley, Annie Hourcade Sciou, Thomas K. Hubbard, Radim Kočandrle, Stavros Kouloumentas, Christopher Kurfess, Claas Lattmann, Lars Leeten, Joel Mann, Herner Máté, Robert Mcintyre, Richard McKirahan, Julia Mendoza, Laetitia Monteils-Laeng, Alexander P. D. Mourelatos, Patricia Nakayama, Rich Neels, Takashi Oki, Luke Parker, Pablo De Paz Amérigo, Miriam Peixoto, Caterina Pellò, Enrico Piergiacomi, Chiara Robbiano, Livio Rossetti, K. C. Rudolph, Liliana Carolina Sánchez Castro, Barbara Sattler, Ravi Sharma, Michael M. Shaw, Martim Silva, Jan Szaif, Simon Trépanier, Celso Vieira, Marina Volf, Leon Wash, Stephen White.
Hesiod; Thales; Anaximander; Xenophanes; Heraclitus; Alcmaeon; Parmenides; Melissus; Hippodamus of Miletus; Anaxagoras;Empedocles; Ocellus of Lucania; Gorgias; Antiphon; Hippocratic authors; Democritus; the concept of pistis; the pseudo-Aristotelian On Melissus, Xenophanes, and Gorgias; doxography and its issues; the Pythagorean table of opposites; the Pythagorean Golden Verses; pre-Socratic accounts of the sense of taste.
Countries Represented:
Argentina, Brazil, Canada, Colombia, Czech Republic, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Mexico, Netherlands, Russia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, United Kingdom, Ukraine.
At the UT Austin Campus, of Special Interest to Persons Attending IAPS 2016:
• The extraordinary holdings of the Harry Ransom Humanities Research Center (HRC) in nineteenth and twentieth-century manuscripts, in rare books (especially history of early modern science), in photography, and in materials related to the performing arts.
• Specifically at the HRC:
(i) the very first edition of Presocratic fragments (Ποίησις φιλόσοφος: Poesis Philosophica,by Henri Estienne, Geneva, 1573);
(ii) the large archive of the papers and books of Gregory Vlastos.
•At the University’s Blanton Museum:
(i) a small but excellent collection of ancient Greek vases;
(ii) an impressive collection of plaster casts of Greek and Roman sculpture.
Copies of abstracts of coutributed papers:
Professor A. P. D. Mourelatos. <>