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We understand the Presocratics to be the figures whose fragments and testimonies are collected in Hermann Diels' Die Fragmente der Vorsokratiker, edited by Walther Kranz. These figures include cosmologists, anti-cosmologists, sophists, philosophical poets, Pythagoreans, and other intellectuals dedicated to an explanation of the world and human affairs, from Thales down to the time of Socrates (and shortly thereafter, according to Diels' non-chronological understanding of 'Presocratic'). We recognize the need for philosophical, philological, textual, doxographical, historical, literary, and religious studies, as well as studies of the reception of Presocratic thought, to illuminate early Greek philosophy.



Because Presocratic Philosophy is rather a rare specialty these days, we have felt a need for an organization dedicated to this field, with open membership and an international domain. At this time no membership or registration fees will be required. Please notify us, however, if you wish to be included in our electronic mailings.

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First members

Daniel W. Graham

Patricia Curd

Enrique Hulsz

Richard D. McKirahan

Serge Mouraviev

Alexander P. D. Mourelatos

Thomas M. Robinson

Livio Rossetti

David T. Runia

Membership in IAPS

Not required as a condition for submiting a proposal. IAPS has no membership dues. Scholars who wish to be enrolled as members of IAPS should contact the IAPS President at this address:


Professor Richard D. Mckiraham

Pomona College


Office: Pearsons Hall 005


Or via e-mail:

Subscribe now!

© 2018 International Association for Presocratic Studies

Design: Miriam Peixoto

International Association for Presocratic Studies


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